Volumes Of Fun

[project completed] 3D sculpting with your two hands
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Author:  arthuro [ Mon Jan 11, 2016 2:40 pm ]
Post subject:  [project completed] 3D sculpting with your two hands

Hello !

I open-sourced a project I made a years ago with some friends.
It uses Polyvox.

I presentation video :


What it is :
The project idea is to imagine a new user interface.
Here, it is a painting/sculpture software in 3D.

We use our two hands that are tracked in 3D with 3 optitrack cameras.
We also use a wiimote and a nunchuk for their buttons.

We one hand, you can take the object and apply translation and rotation.
With the second hand, you can put colored matter.

It is fun, isn't it ?
What do you think about it ?

Thanks for the polyvox library !

Author:  David Williams [ Wed Jan 13, 2016 10:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [project completed] 3D sculpting with your two hands

Very nice work, looks like you've got a decent framerate and it seems pretty intuitive to use. Can you also move your right hand forwards and backwards? I noticed you seemed to have it locked to a plane. It's a nice project at any rate and I can imagine stereoscopic glasses are the only thing which could make it cooler!

Author:  arthuro [ Thu Jan 14, 2016 8:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [project completed] 3D sculpting with your two hands

Thanks David.

Yes, you can move your two hand forward and backward.
There is 6 degree of liberty (3 translations and 3 rotations) on each hands.

But of course, when you only use a mouse, your are locked to a plane.

It is very fluid because the mesh is subdivided into smaller ones.
When the user change the volume density, polyvox only need to update between 1 and 8 mesh subdivisions.

Stereoscopic glasses will be very cool.
And when we did this project, we had stereoscopic glasses.
But integrating all theses tools are very long : Polyvox + Wii + Optitrack + Stereoscopic glasses :)
We didn't have time to go further.

Thanks !

Author:  petersvp [ Wed Jan 20, 2016 11:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [project completed] 3D sculpting with your two hands

How did you achieved the Wii integration? What Bluetooth device, what BT Stack, what library?

My experience with Wii Remote and Crafterria was terrible, I never found good way to sync a WiiMote....

Author:  arthuro [ Sun Jan 24, 2016 10:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [project completed] 3D sculpting with your two hands

I use the WiiC/WiiCPP library : http://wiic.sourceforge.net/
Its is C / C++ library for using Wii controllers

The bluetooth is handle by the library.
I use Lubuntu, I think the bluetooth stack is BlueZ
The device is a small bluetooth dongle. (I don't know the ref)

These are files in the project that use the WiiCPP library
Feel free to question me on that.

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