Voxeliens Progress Update

I thought it was time to do a quick update on the progress on Voxeliens as it’s been a month since the last news. Things have been going a little slower than expected, mostly because I have been moving house again. This is my fourth house within the space of a year but I’m hoping to stay still for a while now.

A fixed address also means I can take out a broadband contract… believe it or not I have survived the last 3 months on a 64kbs mobile internet connection. While such a retro speed may match the style of our game it is not great for productivity (I mostly had to use the internet from my day job). But a new broadband modem/router arrived in the post yesterday and it seems to be working so far.

The game itself if very near completion. A fair amount of testing will still be needed to ensure the game runs on as many systems as possible, and also to make sure the difficulty level is appropriate, so in a couple of weeks we will release a limited beta. Priority will go to people who have been active in our community for a while, though it may get expanded further depending on what kind of issues we encounter.

But before we get to that, our main priority is to prepare a gameplay video as we’ve been promising that for a while now. I’ll try to record it next week though it probably won’t happen until the weekend.

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About David Williams

David is a post-doctorate researcher at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands, where he is investigating GPU computing. Prior to this he worked in the games industry and wrote graphics/engine code for a number of PC/PS3/XBox titles. As well as making games he occasionally enjoys playing them, and also sometimes gets outside to do some photography.

2 thoughts on “Voxeliens Progress Update

  1. I think so but I’m not certain. The game has a natural difficulty progression in that each level has the enemies moving and shooting faster than on the previous level. So it’s really a case of just seeing how far you can get before you run out of lives. But I think some global multiplier to adjust these speeds would be useful and would make the game accessible to more people.

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